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contoh kalimat menarik mundur

"menarik mundur" terjemahan bahasa Inggris  
  • I advise that you pull back your men soon.
    Ku sarankan kau segera menarik mundur pasukanmu.
  • Seven, tell him to pull over at once.
    Tujuh, beritahu dia untuk menarik mundur bersamaan.
  • Mr. Russ, you must pull your men back.
    Tn. Russ, kau harus menarik mundur orang-orangmu.
  • We got orders to pull out tonight.
    Kami mendapat perintah untuk menarik mundur malam ini.
  • The mayor's gonna cave and cede control of the Glades.
    Walikota akan menarik mundur aparat dari Glades.
  • You were supposed to call off your dogs.
    Kau seharusnya menarik mundur pasukanmu!
  • You've got to call off the Bureau.
    Kau harus menarik mundur FBI.
  • His majesty spares Liu Bang's life
    Raja Huai menarik mundur Liu Bang.
  • You gotta call the SWAT off.
    Kau harus menarik mundur tim SWAT.
  • If your father backs off and puts you in charge,
    Jika Ayahmu menarik mundur pasukannya dan menyerahkan tanggung jawab sepenuhnya kepadamu
  • We should pull the troops back.
    Kita harus menarik mundur pasukan.
  • President Snow has pulled back Peacekeepers to fortify the center of the city.
    Presiden Snow menarik mundur "Penjaga Kedamaian" Untuk memperkuat Pusat Kota.
  • In fall 645, with winter approaching, Emperor Taizong was forced to withdraw.
    Akhirnya pada musim gugur 645, Kaisar Taizong terpaksa menarik mundur pasukannya.
  • I pray you'll pull back your cavalry and leave this matter to me.
    aku berharap kamu menarik mundur kavalerimu dan meninggalkan masalah ini padaku.
  • The Spanish withdrew from France under the terms of the Peace of Vervins.
    Spanyol menarik mundur pasukannya dari Prancis selepas penandatanganan Perjanjian Damai Vervins.
  • A deeper one would have been suffered, had we not withdrawn from battle.
    Yang paling dalam akan sangat menderita, selama kita tak menarik mundur pasukan.
  • The Netherlands withdraws its opposition to the occupation of the island of Singapore by the UK.
    Belanda menarik mundur oposisinya dari pendudukan pulau Singapura oleh Britania.
  • The UK withdraws its opposition to the occupation of the island of Billiton by the Netherlands.
    Britania menarik mundur oposisinya dari pendudukan pulau Biliton oleh Belanda.
  • By mid-1987 the Soviet Union announced that it would start withdrawing its forces.
    Pada pertengahan tahun 1987, Uni Soviet mengumumkan bahwa mereka akan mulai menarik mundur pasukannya.
  • Starting the night of October 26, the Chinese began withdrawing from Shanghai urban center.
    Pada 26 Oktober malam, Tiongkok mulai menarik mundur pasukannya dari pusat urban Shanghai.
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